Recently in the Vienna adventures:
This last week was way fun.
Tuesday: My friend Kasia and I went over to the Brewer's house to make pumpkin cookies that were delicious. And I love hanging out with those boys they are so much fun. Nick and Logan were running around like crazy kids making swords out of paper and just being ridiculous (as usual) and Andy was, of course, completely absorbed with the rubiks cube that I bought him a few weeks ago. He's completely obsessed with it, it's so funny. (Note: these boys are our Professor's, Dr Brewer a.k.a Cindy, boys.) I have to say that Andy is one of my favorite people ever. He and I have a blast just bein silly.
Wednesday: After spending all day at the Brewer's having class I went with a bunch of other students and some Austrians fromt the JAE (Young Single Adults) to a soccer game. We got all decked out in red and white and jumped around and had a blast.
Thursday: Me, Claire, Kasia, Brittany, Marinda, Melissa, and Danielle went to go see Rebecca, a musical that everyone has been raving about, and let me just say that it was simply FABULOUS!! I loved it more than anything ever. I'm planning on seeing it at least two more times maybe three or more. You never know. It's that good. I'm buying the sound track and can't wait for when it gets translated and goes to Broadway. It's going to be fabulous.
So, that was this week in a nutshell, all the highlights at least. In the last month or so we've been to Prague and Budapest and I went on our week off with Cindy to do research in Basel, Switzerland which also way fun even though sitting in a library for hours on end and scanning sounds dull.
I'll try to be better about writing in this thing... no guarantees. Sorry. But remember, that I love you all and can't wait to share all my exciting stories with you in person and show you all my pictures.
Loves from,
At the soccer game being oh so supportive of our team even though we lost.